Investing With Purpose
Socially Responsible Investing
Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) is an approach to investing that factors in the social and environmental impact of a company’s practices into portfolio selection. We find investments that promote positive social change and environmental stewardship. You don’t have to compromise your values or the welfare of people and the planet to get a return.
Our first responsibility is to you. Responsible investment advisory services, with or without SRI, start with listening, getting to know your needs and goals, and collaborating to define your best interests. This guides our search for suitable investments to include in your portfolio. Socially responsible portfolio management includes, in this search, your instructions to us regarding environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) issues.
Portfolio Screening
We help you decide what to include in your portfolio by increasing exposure to companies with a positive social impact and removing your exposure to those deemed harmful. To understand a company’s impact, we take a close look at a variety of criteria, including environmental analysis of a company’s carbon emissions, records with environmental agencies, and an ongoing commitment to sustainable/green practices. Portfolio screening also involves social analysis of corporate policies that promote human rights, product safety records, labor practices and community impact. Portfolio screening also includes corporate governance issues such as executive compensation practices, salaries and benefits offerings, and diversity and inclusion in hiring.

Community Investing
Community Investing directs capital to where it is needed most. We offer our clients opportunities to direct a part of their portfolio to investments focused on communities underserved by mainstream banking and investing. Working through Community Development Financial Institutions, we offer investments that fund small businesses, microlending, sustainable and affordable housing, sustainable agriculture, education, and childcare.
Shareholder Advocacy
On request, we offer clients who want to vote their shares at company annual meetings an analysis of the issues addressed on proxy ballots. This can be most meaningful when coalitions of large institutional shareholders conduct shareholder campaigns to change a company’s policies and practices.